How could a recipe card like this one help make your family closer?
Families are often spread far apart. It can sometimes be difficult to get together and share one another’s company. As the years go by and families get bigger, it’s usually only the big events that bring families together: weddings, funerals and major holidays. And these big events always have one thing in common: food.
Food just tastes better with family. Sharing a meal brings family together and encourages bonding. But how can we get that feeling of love and togetherness when we aren’t facing a big family event? By sharing our recipes!
Every family has unique food traditions, and you can encourage passing on these traditions through recipes. Try this three week challenge in your family for a quick and easy way to encourage family togetherness.
Week one: Identify a simple staple recipe of your home and document your family eating it that week.
Week two: Share that recipe with your extended family via a Sendcere recipe card!
Week three: Each family that tries the recipe posts a picture or a (kind) review of their family enjoying the new recipe.
When your turn is over, another member of your extended family sends out a recipe until everyone has shared in a family meal together! As your whole family participates in the challenge, you will learn more about one another and bond over your love of good food and family!