Peruvian author Rodolfo Costa once said, “Erase from your vocabulary the word 'someday.' Do not save things for 'special occasions.' Take into account the fact that every day is special. Every day is a gift that we must appreciate and be thankful... (Read More)
When you think of Sean Connery, you think of James Bond. Or Christopher Reeve as Superman. We all know an actor or two who has been typecast over the years as their signature character. No matter how much they try to throw off a typecast role... (Read More)
Right now, you probably have more than enough things to worry about. And your to-do list is likely a lot longer than you'd like it to be. How well do you handle the mental burdens that weigh on you? Mental health should be just as much of a priority... (Read More)
The message to buy, buy, buy is everywhere. In today's world, it's increasingly easy to fall prey to the mentality that more is better. Every holiday or special occasion, the media and advertisements encourage us to consume. Although "things" are... (Read More)
It's hard to believe, but the year is almost over. There were so many things you promised yourself you would do this year, but you just never found the time. Now with the holidays looming, family coming, a house that needs cleaning and kids who will... (Read More)
Get your smile on! Did you know that the simple act of smiling can have some powerful health benefits? Numerous studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, natural painkillers, and serotonin. These three neurotransmitters make us feel... (Read More)
What are you thankful for? If you're not making time on a regular basis to ask yourself that important question, you're missing out on some incredible benefits that can help you be a better spouse, parent or friend. Turns out, there's overwhelming... (Read More)
The customer may always be right, but that doesn’t mean that they are always happy. Even the best businesses fail in terms of delivering exceptional customer experiences once in a while. The trick is to learn from those setbacks so that you can... (Read More)
If you were to add it all up, how much time do you spend using your smartphone each day? One study shows that the average person spends four hours per day with their mobile phone! Another study shows that the average person checks their phone nearly... (Read More)