Your partner. The best friend who brightens your day with a smile, a kind word or a caring touch. The one who has always stuck around through thick and thin regardless of the potential outcome. Like the star-crossed, whirlwind passion of Johnny Cash and June Carter, somehow you always find your way back to each other. Or perhaps it is more of a high profile affair like the Kanye to your Kim. Well, maybe not quite like that, but you get the analogy.
One of the cornerstones of any strong relationship is the delicate balance between give and take. Reciprocating love filled up every day in return. In Latin the literal translation of better half is “half of my soul.” Yet sometimes that balance can tip towards one side, temporarily off kilter. It is important to recognize when the scales have slipped out of sync and focus on the details that will return stability. Restore equilibrium to the relationship, and astounding change is possible.
Each and every one of us has those days. Days when frustrated, irritable, perhaps downright mean, comments slip frighteningly easily from our lips. Maybe it is just a night when you feel obligated to make dinner, but then your partner comments on the burnt toast. How easy it is to let these little problems pile into large frustrations.
Yet the truth remains, you, and sometimes only you, wield the power to change the trajectory of your significant other’s day and thus your relationship. Taking ten minutes to share a great moment or a priceless joke or to tell your wife how stunning she looks in that red dress can make a huge difference. It may seem obvious, but how often are we starved for these small gestures of love and affection?
What makes a successful relationship? Choose to make the small moments into ritual and you can obtain that success. Remember that along the journey sometimes you may sprint ahead of the other; sometimes you will have to be carried, and sometimes you will walk side by side in perfect harmony.
It is the simple pleasures that will put you and your partner on the path to success. Besides, what is love if it isn’t patched with a few bandages.